Is it summer yet?

>> Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hi. It's been awhile. Life is good for me these days, not too much going on except for normal life activities. 26 more days of work until summer!! It will be the first summer in awhile of doing nothing -- no wedding, no grad school, nothing. Ahhhh....I can't wait. I have a feeling I will fill it with a lot of guitar playing, cooking, and reading. And a lot of time spent here.

I had my 8-week check up yesterday with one of my doctors. He did some bloodwork to see where my thyroid levels are, the results should be back by Monday. Based on my basal body temperatures (BBTs from here on out), it looks like I'm not ovulating. I got a prescription for Metformin, an insulin drug that might help fertility in woman with PCOS. So we shall see what happens next. I go back in early June.

Today I feel content and at peace with God's timing. And grateful for all that I DO have right now. What a change, right? Finding some other women's blog about their journey through infertility has been encouraging, in that I'm not alone in this too. Keep praying that I can remain focused on Him as I keep walking forward...

And on a completely different topic, I saw this today on one of my favorite cartoon websites and laughed. For all you cat lovers out there, enjoy :)

1 people also said...:

Anonymous May 7, 2009 at 10:00 AM  

glad that you got on a med...and glad that you are feeling more at peace with God's timing :) praying.

Soli Deo Gloria